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Dear Old North Community,  

Both the 8am and the 10am services tomorrow are cancelled. We had hoped to gather for worship, but Rev. Lindsay is sick and we're worried about the ability of both staff and congregants to travel safely.  We're joining the majority of churches in Marblehead by canceling, and we look forward to seeing you next Sunday if not before.  Please stay safe.


Sunday School and Nursery Care

Old North Church welcomes children of all ages on Sunday mornings! Children are welcome in the sanctuary for the entirety of the service. Our nursery for children 3 months to 4ish opens at 9:50 but you may bring your little ones there at any point in the service. Sunday school (for kids aged four through 12) begins partway through the church service, following the "Moments with Children" during worship.


We’re watching the forecast for snow early Sunday. Though we anticipate that we will still gather for worship, the ministers and deacons may decide to cancel one or both services. We will send out an email and also update the church voicemail early Sunday if services are cancelled. *Please* do not travel if it is not safe to do so!  


Singers Invited! Rehearsals for the annual Palm Sunday Lenten Choral Concert 

Featuring the Old North Senior Choir & Soloists and members of the Old North Festival Chorus and Orchestra – will begin on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Our Lenten Concert will feature Dan Forrest’s stunningly beautiful Requiem For the Living, which was originally programmed in 2020, but abruptly halted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. All interested singers – from high-school-aged students to adults – are welcome to join this special choral performance. There are no auditions, and it is not necessary to be a member of Old North Church or the Festival Chorus to join, but previous choral experience is required. Please help spread the word!  Singers are asked to purchase their scores at the first rehearsal unless they already own one. Please contact Maria at with questions and/or to reserve a score to be picked up at Registration on February 26.

Registration & First Rehearsal: Wednesday, February 26 at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall (subsequent rehearsals: Wednesdays from 7:30 – 9pm)

Dress Rehearsal (mandatory): Saturday, April 12, 10am – 1pm

Concert: Sunday, April 13 at 7:30pm


Upcoming Youth Group Sunday Meetings

​The North Shore Youth Ministry (NSYM) typically meets Sundays and rotates Church host locations. Middle school age youth (6th-8th grades) will be meeting from 3:30-5:30pm and High School (9th-12th grades) from 6-8 pm.  For more information on the NSYM Winter schedule & special youth events, click here.


Sunday, Feb 23: Commemorating Leslie's Retreat (When the Revolution Almost Started in Marblehead in 1775) – On Sunday, Feb 23, our church (along with St Michael's Episcopal and the UU Church of Marblehead) will remember this historic event, and our worship service will contain elements of what church would have been like in the 1700s (but without the two-hour long sermon!). We will be joined by re-enactors from Glover's Regiment at the end of the service, and after church, Old North will host social and cultural historian Judy Anderson for a discussion about how the American Revolutionary War almost –– or could have easily started in Marblehead &/or Salem, 250 years ago, in exactly the same way and format that it did “officially” begin just six weeks later in April, in Lexington and Concord, on April 19, 1775. This event is open to all the churches in town! 

Advent & Christmas Schedule

Old North Church

35 Washington Street
Marblehead, MA, 01945
(781) 631-1244

Our Mailing Address:

Old North Church

8 Stacey Street

Marblehead, MA 01945

Sunday Worship 8:00am

September — Mid-June
Old North Sanctuary


Mid-June-Labor Day
Chandler Hovey Park


Sunday After Labor Day--Late June

Old North Church Sanctuary

  • Worship with choirs

  • Sunday School

  • Professional childcare for infants and toddlers

During the Summer months, the 10:00 Worship service is not held.

© 2025 Old North Church, Marblehead MA 01945

Web Design: Mead Web Design, Danvers MA

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