Mission & Outreach
Old North Church is committed to a host of efforts, both local and beyond, to serve the world in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ. We strive to empower friends and members of the church to put their faith into action in local, regional and national settings through direct service and hands-on support.
We have a long-standing commitment to supporting the work of Lifebridge in Salem, which offers a host of supportive services to our local neighbors in need.
Additionally, we support a number of local and international organizations such as the Marblehead Food Pantry, the Marblehead Refugee Immigration Ministry, HAWC, Heifer International, Intercultural Nursing Inc. and, Midwives for Haiti.
We provide financial support to a long list of organizations supported by the UCC through Our Church’s Wider Mission.
We also enjoy a long-standing relationship with the Pholela Congregation in South Africa.