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Faith Formation -  Sunday School

Old North Church Marblehead MA

At Old North Church, we cherish our children and seek to nurture their understanding of belonging in this faith community. Through time in worship and in Sunday School, we weave sacred stories and do creative play and art work, as we lead the children of Old North to deepen their knowing of God’s love for them and God’s call to us to reach out to others in love, kindness, caring and gratitude.

Old North Church Marblehead MA

Old North Church is known to have one of the oldest Sunday Schools in the country. Rev. Samuel Dana established Sunday School at Old North in 1817. We honor the vision of our ancestors for the children of Marblehead, for in a time that was fragile, they chose this place to grow and nurture possibilities in Gods love, promise and light for them, and the children of generations to come.

At our 10:00 am service from September - mid June, children 4 years old-6th grade gather with their families in the sanctuary. After the Children’s Moment the children gather upstairs in the Sunday School room.


Childcare is provided for children from infants through 3 years old beginning at 9:50am and any time during worship in our childcare room from mid-September to the last Sunday of worship in the Sanctuary in June.


On the first Sundays, Communion Sundays the children will go directly to the classroom for Sunday School; the children will regather with the their families for communion together in the sanctuary.


On the Sunday of holiday weekends there is no Sunday School.


All children are welcome to stay in worship with their families if they wish. We provide worship bags that contain books, crayons, drawing paper and activities.

Old North Church Marblehead MA

Sunday School Registration

This form is for signing up children for Sunday School (PK-6th Grade) and Childcare for Infants and Toddlers.


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